Dr. Know, I Presume?

With all of the medical experts suddenly coming out of the woodwork, I can’t decide which doctorate holds more weight. Is it a Google MD, a Wikipedia MD, or WebMd MD? Was it a two-year degree? Four? Eight? Or about 90 seconds? Was there a graduation ceremony with the current COVID19 situation? Which school did they attend? The only school I can find with the online program is Dunning-Kruger University.

Wishing You Well

I hope everyone is staying safe and well during these crazy times. As someone who has caught pneumonia the last three years, lung infections are not fun. Wash your hands, wear a mask and together we can beat this. Murdering store workers, assaulting parks rangers and marching on state buildings with rifles is not how we beat this. Be better than we were before, else this was all for nothing.